Security Upgrade at Birmingham’s Iconic Indoor Market
Many projects have been implemented across Birmingham, which focus on making the City safer. One such example is the recent security upgrade in Birmingham’s historic Indoor Market.

Birmingham’s Indoor Market is one of the UK's largest markets, specialising in fish, fresh meat and poultry. Home to generations of traders, the site's history goes back to 1166.
Watch Systems Ltd, a specialist Birmingham based security provider, were delighted to be awarded the security upgrade contract, by Birmingham City Council.
Work at Birmingham’s Indoor Market began in February and the installation was carried out over a 2-week period. The upgrade included 24 camera’s that would cover all internal areas, rear areas, and loading areas, linking back to the control centre. A best practice approach was taken to adhere to Covid-19 guidelines. This included work site optimisation to allow social distancing and equipment rotation to reduce contagion.
Despite seeing a significant drop in footfall, the City’s Indoor Market remained open during the pandemic. Led by Company Director – Simon Trimmer, the team at Watch Systems Ltd ensured that the market was fully operational, so that the traders could work without disruption and there was no downtime on the Market’s security systems. This left very little time to carry out the installation, so the team introduced shift patterns and operating out of hours to ensure that the work was completed successfully and on time.
Upgrading the security in Birmingham’s Indoor Market offers many benefits including, deterring crime, keeping the public safe, monitoring on-site activity, solving disputes and collecting data. In addition, advancements in technology now means analytics can be used to notify security staff or the police of criminal activity. All such measures go a long way in creating safe places across the City.
As the Covid restrictions ease, the hope is that business will pick up again at Birmingham’s historic Indoor Market and the lively, bustling atmosphere will return for generations to come.
Are you looking for a specialist security solution? Watch Systems Ltd provides tailored, risk based, technology driven security systems. For more information, click here.